Produkte von Extrema Ratio

Extrema Ratio

Made in Italy - heißt es bei Extrema Ratio. In der Toskana, nahe Florenz liegt die Stadt Prato, hier hat die Messermanufaktur Extrema Ratio ihren Firmensitz. Seit 1997 werden hier Hochleistungsmesser für Militär, Behörden und Rettungskräfte hergestellt. Ebenso werden Jagdmesser, Taschenmesser, Küchenmesse und andere hochwertige, kommerzielle Produkte gefertigt. 

Erstklassige Handarbeit und neuste Technologien führen zu einer Spitzenqualität die weltweit angesehen und nachgefragt ist. Ob nun als Sammlermesser oder Werkzeug für Outdoor-Enthusiasten, Bushcrafter und Jäger, die handgearbeiteten Messer von Extrema Ratio sind die beste Wahl für den individuellen Kunden.

Das sagt Extrema Ratio über sich selbst:

ExtremaRatio, located in Prato, Italy, has been designing, manufacturing and selling high performance combat ,military, kitchen, hunting and tactical knives since 1997 enjoying a reputation for excellence that is unsurpassed in the military and tactical knife industry.

The increased capacity through the years enabled Extrema Ratio to extend its operations. As part of this effort, the company moved in 2004 to a new 600 square meter facility in order to meet the market demand and the company quickly established itself as one of the country’s leading cutlery manufacturers.

Extrema Ratio serves military and law enforcement communities (for kitchen knives, best hunting knives) as well as commercial markets and the knives like are well known and sought after all over the globe.

The company prides itself in design, material and quality to deliver a high end product that meets the most severe mil-standards.

The production based on modern cutting edge technology is combined with traditional craftsmanship and the result is the pinnacle of this synthesis. The Extrema Ratio design team uses the 3D system to design new models and create prototypes. Each hunting, tactical pocket knife design is then meticulously inspected and then field tested. At this point the finest materials are chosen for durability, function and beauty. Each kitchen, tactical or military knife is then hand assembled and hand finished and inspected by Extrema Ratio team of craftsmen.

First class handwork and well-selected material have contributed to form the image of the Extrema Ratio trademark all over the world.

Each knife that is manufactured at Extrema Ratio has measured up to the Company rigorous standards for quality and performance. The kitchen, tactical or military knives are the result of painstaking research and development. This is an Extrema Ratio hallmark. Extrema Ratio knives represent a real, solid value for the money.

All the knives are made from N690 Cobalt Stainless Steel which is a steel from a small plant in Austria, often used in the manufacture of surgical instruments. This steel along with their tempering methods produce a steel of great strength, flexibility with the capability to take and retain a razor sharp edge. The handles provided on the fixed blade knives are made from a grip polymer called Forprene which provides a very sure and comfortable grip even when wet. The folding range of tactical or military knives have a shell made from a super strong anticorodal alloy and the best materials are used throughout to ensure reliability and longevity.

Extrema Ratio military knives are consistently developed with the direct involvement of the end user.

Extrema Ratio creates a great range of tough hunting and pocket knives suitable for use in the toughest of environments, making them a great choice for a survival knife or back up tool. The range goes from small folders to large Kukri with lots of choice in between offering most of what you would need in the knife area.

Extrema Ratio knives are developed in close cooperation with the Italian and foreign Armed Forces. To achieve best performance and function, no compromises are made in the design. This makes Extrema Ratio tactical, combat and military Knives best known for their outstanding ruggedness and they are sturdy enough to meet the requirements of the toughest military standards.

To reach all of the above, a long term co-operation project between the Facoltà di Scienze Motorie (PG) and Extrema Ration Company has been set up.

Through the challenges associated with resolving technical issues, finding an efficient and ergonomic design and optimal operating parameter, the Facoltà di Scienze Motorie (PG) partnership has provided innovative opportunities through the whole manufacturing process.

Extrema Ratio is UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 certified and is an official supplier of the Armed Forces with NATO code (N/CAGE) AT200

Extrema Ratio Staff



There are unique lines characterizing and distinguishing our production. These factors have become the witnesses to our philosophy, based on quality and uniqueness of each single piece. Our products are professional technical tools, they are designed and manufactured to solve problems.
We produce a few articles because we believe in their peculiarity: each of them is dedicated to a certain kind of use.

The interaction with our clients and the exceptional contribute of experience and knowledge allow the quality to grow up day by day.
Thanks to the collaboration with Italian and International Armed Forces and Police Units, we have accumulated a wealth of experience and information that allows us to develop truly qualified products for professional use. We deal with the study, prototyping, testing and production of military, police and rescue items. We produce following specifications and requests or we develop new products to solve the problems that the customer indicates us.


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